Thursday, June 27, 2024

muck that is child abuse to claim to even have any choice to think.

Utterly disgusting idea presented as one of those fluffy-positive thoughts, shared on the fb page of "Autism To Maxx" -

" Don't regret anything. Good times become good memories. Bad times become good lessons."

My reply:

" Rape is not a lesson and it would be misogyny to conceive for a second that it is. Murder of a loved one is not a lesson and it would be fascism to conceive for a second that it is. Being in either side of the Israel-Gaza war or in Ukraine is not a lesson and it would be utterly evil to conceive for a second that it is. Having your child die is not a lesson and it forfeits membership of an intelligent species to conceive for a second that it is. Therefore likewise the monster, in an autism forum 20 years ago, who dared for one second to suggest treating as a learning experience a life defining child abuse that I survived and did not choose or consent to and that did not happen to several less nice people who got the thing the abuse took from me ".

Referring to the evil that my speaking out on has been well known in the autistic scene and helped others, particularly its permanent record go posterity in the book Bittersweet on the Autism Spectrum. The destruction of my child authorship by homework.

IT WAS REMOVED WITHIN HOURS. Original post morning. Because of its disappearance, posted the same evening this reply to Cindy Vien:

" which is exactly why, this morning I posted a response I can no longer see: that listed several types of unconsented serious life wrongs that it would be utterly evil to conceive of telling the victim to treat as a lesson. Concluding with:

Therefore likewise the monster, in an autism forum 20 years ago, who dared for one second to suggest treating as a learning experience a life defining child abuse that I survived and did not choose or consent to, and that did not happen to several less nice ppl who got the thing the abuse took from me. "