Monday, August 29, 2016

The hidden wave of women with undiagnosed Asperger’s

A new story on increase of aspie self-awareness in women.

But it agonisingly says some of them are getting rejected diagnoses and interpreted to have personality disorders instead, by closed minded conservative psychologists, likely men. THIS LONG INTO AUTISM AWARENESS.

I have commented there on what support we the whole aspie scene need to give to these women. It's simply what I have always said is what all the undiagnosed newcomers need, as remembered from when I was one: and clearly the NAS is still doing nothing to provide or advise them on this. Simply, they should join the aspie scene in some form, first, while they are still undiagnosed. So that they are backed up by our perception of them before they go for diagnosis. Before the diagnoser can say no, he is landed with having to explain that backing from other aspies to the grounds for why you are one.

Maurice Frank

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

reforming the law of harrassment

The ASSGO site's parliamentary petition (UK level) on changing the law of harrassment to be adaptable to lack of social insight. To stop it being applied manipulatively to oppress an autistic person so as to always blame them for situations one-sidedly and lead to life control by the likes of ASBOs or restraining orders.