Saturday, October 27, 2018

liberty of a healthy personal taste for fruit flavour

Western Mail (a newspaper in Wales) 19 Jan 1982:
""He has grown up a lot in the last year but he still prefers drinking Ribena to coffee."
It is for reasons like that that Mrs Frank is glad that Maurice is not emulating Ruth Lawrence by heading for university years before the normal age.
- age-bigoted words of a journalist keen to promote the ideas of abusive school teachers, that never got me to uni at all, that were already starting to crash, reaching breaking point just 8 months later. Wrong evil words, as kids who went to uni early escaped from the evil oppressiveness of school and had it turn out better for them.

My chapter in Bittersweet on the Autism Spectrum, book published by JKP 19 Jan 2017:
"That I still enjoy cold blackcurrant squash, a lifelong addiction, is actually a serious necessary triumph for personal autonomy. ...Every refreshing, uplifting squash drink is charged with anger, at all the hurtfully illogical family and peer pressures I suffered in my teenage years, to perceive fruit squashes as a juvenile taste that I needed to grow out of."

THE EMERGENCE OF DARK FRUIT STRONGBOW AS A POPULAR BAR DRINK HAS VINDICATED ME BIG TIME. It's a blackcurrant (and blackberry) cider. I celebrate tonight a further vindication: seeing a good number of folks drinking Dark Fruit Strongbow in the punk-themed setting of a pub gig titled Punkoween, in Monty's Bar, Dunfermline.

Maurice Frank

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

teach the teachers from the voices of all

At the now revived autism Cross Party Group in parliament, today Oct 23 the topic was education. Specifically, and nicely accountably, the follow-up to a report on rates of school exclusion, jointly by SA, the NAS, and Children in Scotland.

Among the report's list of "calls for action", enlarged on to us by Charlene Tait speaking for SA: is for more training up of the autism understanding level among teachers, and for schools. As has ever been so throughout the modern autistic scene's existence, here again the case evidence quoted and directly told by school leaver age autistics present, showed that schools widespreadly are brutally deficient in their understanding, and in their attitude towards having any.

There is a perfectly predictable explanation or that. Teachers are piece of shit tyrants by intentional design, and the authoritarian model of school is a disastrous destructive evil and one of the outstanding horrible tyrannies of history -site - Authoritarian Schooling a Catalogue of Damage.

My point given at CPG. After all the consequences they had heard of failed understanding, with even suicidality at issue, when they follow up this training up of teachers there will be an automatic duty to SHEER CHILD SAFETY, that the 3 organisations set up a facility for preventing the autism training from being incomplete by missing things. To date, clearly, teachers and schools have missed a lot of it. So they need a facility that ANYONE who has been part of an autistic school problems case can send in the itemisable school problems shown by the case details. Then the facility's responsibility would be to check whether the items are already recognised in the awareness program for the teacher retraining, and any items that are not already there, to add them in.

From anyone who comes forward with a case experience. Not just a selection of cases, which could miss something, but ALL who come forward. This proposed as explicitly being a duty to child safety. That is the govt's principle of "Getting it right for every child," GIRFEC. That is accountability. That is inclusive, against the problem mentioned by another contributor, of affected families feeling their cases invisible.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

serious claims require serious evidence

Autism Network Scotland's participative book An Ordinary Life Too (PDF book link) speaks out, among many things, against a long term violation by the USA of the oldest most basic human right of all, presumption of innocence, that the media never mention. By its border control requiring declarations of arrest histories and having the power to judge and treat differently INNOCENT PEOPLE, not convicted of anything, who have ever been arrested. Even Obama made no known attempt to end it. How much hope is there that Melania Trump will, now that she has spoken out on MeToo for the need for hard evidence before anyone is convicted of a crime. Has she noticed that one leads to the other? Has any organisation rich enough to try a court case on it noticed?

But credit to her for saying a needed right thing. It's an important moment that a figure as highly placed as her did. She spoke for hearing men as victims too.

Hard factual evidence is the standard that everyone operating a protection system for vulnerable groups, or an equalities policy for non-discriminatory social inclusion, has a duty to follow. This is to take strong moral pleasure in reaffirming ELAS's attachment to that duty. EVERYTHING GOES ON FACTUAL EVIDENCE, NOTHING GOES ON ONE WORD AGAINST ANOTHER.

ELAS knows from painful recent experience with human evil, how important this is and what it is like to stand up for this human right against will to corrupt it. Because a determined breaking of this was what caused the fall and departure of our own disgusting ethically discredited former chair Mark Keenan.

Each group that takes this stand holds the line against the gender one-sided witch hunters trying to terrorise society with the evil of guilt by accusation. Every one highlights that it is the duty of every one. Every code of equalities and inclusion, in any organisation, has the duty to stand with us.