Worse than Prison: immigration detention could kill Osime Brown.
Evil people habitually
#globalapartheid #autistic #OsimeBrown #deportation
Neuroclastic is an awful sounding word I hope won't catch on, + name for a site. Wish it had defied our scene's policers of language, not let them push it to change to this name.
Far more important than that, extremely morally important + pressing, it is trying to act as the spectrumite scene's focus to fight against global apartheid's arbitrary racist destruction of a spectrumite life. Namely, the atrocity of deportating to Jamaica an autistic man who has no connections or sources of support there, has lived in Britain since age 4.
When folks are deported, they are usually taken through customs at the destination country and then left at the airport. From there, most often, it’s on them to fend for themselves. In this case an autistic young man with high support needs, PTSD, and a severe heart condition. In advance of which, getting moved to an immigration detention prison on Oct 7. Read the article.Evil people habitually
- - are noncommittal
- - use the word "unfortunately"
- - talk rhetorically of reality
- - call moral issues grey
- - say they would rather blot them out of thought
#globalapartheid #autistic #OsimeBrown #deportation