Friday, August 16, 2013


I seek to explore how higher consciousness should be cultivated in the population as the principal goal for the advancement of Civilisation I was jolted into an appreciation of my own personal development on a bus ride where I saw young men oblivious to their whereabouts listening to music through tiny devices which plug into their ears whilst earlier on I had been taking notes about an essay – about Higher Consciousness !

I had proposed a kind of periodic table of personality types comparable to that of chemical elements with the important difference that with the RIGHT KIND OF EDUCATION which I call Divine Alchemy people can mutate from less developed personalities into those personality types which are analogous to the precious metals I am of course following PLATO s footsteps in classifying people but whereas Plato and others saw people as locked into roles or CASTES for life I would insist that a stimulating environment enabled people to TRANSMUTE THEMSELVES into those people who have Higher Consciousness

I was greatly offended by a free brochure advertising the “delights “ of activities in the Falkirk area which are pitched at a reading age of no higher than 14 I am absolutely totally alienated by “popular culture “ and the intellectual level of the Edinburgh Festival has apparently declined ,with fewer and fewer shows or exhibitions which appeal to me.Is it that I am now a silly old man ?looking back to the years of my prime with rose tinted glasses ?

I cannot be idle as the hourglass of my life runs low I have a compulsion to make a mark on each day by some form of creative activity So my home is crammed with so many things that I can scarcely move .As I am a bachelor I have NOBODY TO BE LOYAL TO and this depresses me no end I have worn glasses since age 9 but with that came a faculty to SEE BEYOND the common run of everyday life towards some ultimate destiny for each and everybody .That I insist is the ability to create works of abiding value which are quite unique I have coined the word ENDEOFACT to describe these works ,to signify “the manifestation of God within anybody “

I have explained Contributionist theology in several other essays I have to draw attention to that cardinal principle that humans Create themselves In The Image of God by pushing themselves to the limits of their powers and in doing so through creating entirely original works add to the sum of Meaning Whenever anybody appreciates any artwork this is GOD MANIFESTING ITSELF THROUGH ONE OF ITS NEURONS

Before Men evolved the world was sculpted by ice ages and continental drift Dinosaurs might conceivably evolved Higher Consciousness and established a civilisation where beings with our kind of written language would have created entirely original works of every kind from poetry and music to magnificent urban buildings

The earliest peoples passed through the Nant Francon Pass without asking why it was formed It was left to DARWIN to deduce how it was formed (so to the Dioramas of the Pass during the Ice Age and as it is now ,in London s Geological Museum ) No0w DARWIN who proposed Evolution was by that act of setting out his theories A MANIFESTATION OF GOD EVOLVING ON EARTH His particular Godlight has been an agent of Mental transmutation for all who read understand and accept the concept of evolution When he arrived at Nant Francon and deduced how it was sculpted by glacial action and set that out NANT FRANCON GLOWED WITH DARWIN S GODLIGHT

In this life I have been so moulded by self motivated learning at Red Hill Remedial School that my whole life s orientation is towards adding to the sum of Meaning through my original works I once had a weird dream of a dinner party where everybody got drunk and threw food at one another I prepared a synopsis at Haymarket station and on the train journey wrote my short story NEXT STOP ,FLEET STREET based upon the dream as the train crossed the Forth Bridge In MY purposeful action in creating that story from what I remembered of the dream somehow the passage of that particular train was an emission of what I call Godlight – my action of narrating a story about drunken people throwing food at the leading character which ONLY I MYSELF could write

Is this how I differ from the common run of people ? Am I mistaken in the belief that absolutely anybody could master short story writing and draw plots from their dreams so that on journeys they would write polished prose and alight jubilant that they had created something entirely original ?

I read the chilling article in the London “Times “ how today s children are doomed to die before their parents of diseases caused by lack of exercise and consumption of junk foods Baroness Greenfield has warned the nation that all the children s brains are being MISWIRED AND CORRUPTED by television and violent video games so that by the time they are adults they will be merely clever animals bereft of all that makes Humans Vessels of God ( and see my story NO FOREIGN SCUM ARE WELCOME IN HEWISBRIDGE which was provoked by her stern warning )

I have argued that my father s generation were the most capable people who have ever lived since they endured the Great Depression and the Second World War to raise their families during the severe Austerity that lasted till 1952 They had imbued their offspring –MY generation –with a Code of Behaviour derived from Christian ethics which had been serviceable and sturdy enough for themselves but has now collapsed because of the way Big Business has taken over the world economy and corrupted absolutely everything in life in the pursuit of Profit If nothing is done immediately teenage children will be dying in their middle age leaving their OWN CHILDREN AS ORPHANS and that next generation will be so incapable of coping with the world of a round 2060 that I foresee the total breakdown of civilisation

The other day I decided to produce cloudy-sky backcloths to go behind model railways I came across a tin of outdoor white paint that had congealed into a gooey mess and decided to see if I could save it by picking up a squodge of the paint and rubbing it (made grey with addition of diluted black ) onto sheets of plywood To my utter delight it worked so well that I joyfully made about 10m of backcloth ! This is the LATERAL THINKING which is the main attribute of a fully developed mind that Edward de Bono explained in his books on the subject He cites such men as Alan Turing father of the computer as lateral thinkers and teaches the subject My FATHER was very offended indeed when I tried to explain lateral thinking

Am I being utterly presumptuous or big-headed simply by writing this Essay about Higher consciousness and drawing from my very own experiences : ? I had gone for a Sunday evening stroll in Townhill Woods to the summit of the shale-bing hill I call Lupin Hill and sat in the twilight appreciating the afterglow I felt supremely thankful for being alive and having the faculty to appreciate the afterglow Even as grey clouds massed over Townhill I gazed at the sky and considered how to reproduce the Form Of Stormclouds .The following day I produced the backcloths

I go through my literary works and appraise both exceedingly tragic stories written when I am depressed and wickedly funny stories but paramountly lyrical descriptions of ordinary things such as FIFTEEN KILOMETRES IN THE FOG which can be appreciated as entirely the result of my fully developed mind that is perhaps expressed best of all in my vivid descriptions of entirely imaginary places ,Though people who remember steam trains are now dying off I trust that my models of steam-era trains (and buildings and bridges etc ) are also intrinsically valuable as uniquely my Endeofacts

Now I turn to my literary works about Alan Moelwyn Wright which systematically describe a parallel universe where at least in Avalonshire Righteousness is cultivated by his Contributionist movement That Righteousness is defined as the promotion of Higher Consciousness in people by all possible means Alan s goal for all in his care is to bring about that passion for self-creation in the Image of God which is what drives me on till I drop dead Now just as PLATO signally failed to set up his Republic in Greek Sicily ,and ROBERT OWEN died a broken man after the collapse of his New Harmony in Indiana am I doomed to die an unfulfilled old man before Civilisation finally collapses ?
Is it therefore entirely presumptuous of me to seek to cultivate Higher Consciousness in my neighbours as Alan Wright strives to live according to his names

The Presence of God Creator who dwells by the Bald White Mountain ?

Dear Reader I dare you to expound a better goal for individual people,governments and all Mankind than the cultivation of Higher Consciousness
David Seagrave Dunfermline Library 15-8-2013

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